Get help with the NHS App

Do you need a hand with using and navigating the NHS App?
South West London has some of the friendliest, most helpful Digital Care coordinators around, ready to assist you with any questions you might have including:
- Help with downloading and setting up the NHS App on a smart phone
- Help with the NHS App registration and account set up process.
- Help with setting up face ID or fingerprint to access the NHS App on your phone.
- Guidance on how to navigate the different features and functionality of the app
- Guidance on how to order repeat prescriptions and check when they’re at your chosen pharmacy, check if appointments are available to be booked/viewed/cancelled
- Help with managing services for another person through a linked profile.
- Help setting up NHS App message notifications.
- What to do if you need technical assistance when using the NHS App.
- How to share your feedback on the NHS App
Your local digital care coordinator is Andraya Catlyn and you can contact her:
- By telephone on 0203 923 9593
- By email: